Required Steps To Complete Migration Process

Your readme.html file links to a screenshot to illustrate how to save a store in the 6. Required Steps To Complete Migration Process step.
The link is broken so can you supply the correct link?
I’m confused because the migration has created duplicate store views with _migrated appended to the code? 

1 answer

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98150.00 $tone June 29, 2018

Hi there, 
It seems you used an old version of our Pro version. In recent versions, we did update the old S3 link. 
For your convenience, here’s the updated link for the screenshot you mentioned. 
Regarding your question: 

I’m confused because the migration has created duplicate store views with _migrated appended to the code? 

It’s true that we append the ‘_migrated’ to distinguish between migrated vs. your existing data in M2 instance. After migration, you can edit this suffix your way. 
For your information, in our latest Pro version, we replaced the ‘_migrated’ with ‘store_id’ suffix. 
Hope that helps.
Ubertheme team


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