Search Bar position and size


Is it possible to change the layout so that the search bar can be relocated and resized like in the attached image?


11 answers

Profile photo of tomc 0.00 $tone December 13, 2012

It is absolutely possible . . . it’s merely a matter of repositioning and modifying the styling properties -- both within CSS.

Also, some of the concepts within THIS TUTORIAL may prove helpful to you as well.

Profile photo of Antonio Mineiro 0.00 $tone December 17, 2012

Think i just fixed it by changing z-index in theme.css line 231 from z-index: 99999; to:

/*Quick Access—*/
#quick-access .main {
z-index: 1;

Thought it might be usefull for someone.

Profile photo of Antonio Mineiro 0.00 $tone December 18, 2012

Nope, sorry, didn’t work as i would like to. Logo is clickable, but search sugestions gets behind Main Menu.

Think i just fixed it by changing z-index in theme.css line 231 from z-index: 99999; to:

/*Quick Access—*/
#quick-access .main {
z-index: 1;

Thought it might be usefull for someone.

Profile photo of tomc 0.00 $tone December 18, 2012

Nope, sorry, didn’t work as i would like to. Logo is clickable, but search sugestions gets behind Main Menu.

What do you mean "behind main menu?" I am not seeing what you are referring to when I bring up your site.

Profile photo of tomc 0.00 $tone December 18, 2012

Okay, this is odd …

I brought up your site in Firefox, Chrome and IE -- and in each case, when I typed in the same search term as in your image, the drop down search results displayed just fine (i.e. no overlap of the main navigation over the dropdown search results).

Which browser (and version) are you viewing your site in?

Profile photo of Antonio Mineiro 0.00 $tone December 18, 2012

Hi TomC,

Yes, because i undone the changes so right now the logo is not clickable but the search suggestions don’t get overlaped by the main menu like in the screenshot. Also i added "Home" link to the menu bar and to the quick acces top links.

Thanks for your fast reply by the way.

Profile photo of Antonio Mineiro 0.00 $tone December 19, 2012

Just tweaked a bit jm.slideshow.css and the result is acceptable. Only the arrows from slideshow get over the search sugestions. And i really don’t know if it messed up anything else. css attached.



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