skipping steps in data migration toll

Hi Team,
Can i skipping steps in data migration tool? For example: i want not migrate sales data or reviews or ratings.
Can skip any step?

8 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone April 20, 2016

Hi richardmax,
Thank you work around with this tool. Skip any step feature not available at this time.
We can make skip any step by code at this time only.
Let’s share me more information about your working. Where did you download this tool?

Profile photo of Eddy Ricardo Santos 340.00 $tone April 20, 2016

Hi Mall,
download from . Work fine except some steps about sales and customers groups but i have resolved it yesterday. Will be great with skip buttom

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone April 20, 2016

Hi richardmax,

Work fine except some steps about sales and customers groups but i have resolved it yesterday

Yes, that is a good news. 

Will be great with skip buttom

Yes, it will come in next version of this tool.

Profile photo of Admin Staff -30640.00 $tone July 11, 2016

Hi Richardmax,
Thanks for getting back to us. 
As notified recently, the old migration tool on Github is no longer maintained and replaced with newly launched UB Data Migration Pro. As this way we will have more opportunity and resources to revamp the whole code base and add more features, while providing active bug fixes maintenance.
I highly recommend you consider to go with this premium migration tool -- It gives you possibility to skip partial data section at your choice.
An Nguyen 

Profile photo of Admin Staff -30640.00 $tone July 11, 2016

I see. Anytime you have new project that our products can help, feel free to get back to us.
PS. We are about to add new Magento 2 products, it would be great if you could check back our site some time.
An Nguyen 


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