step1 ok but my data not showing up in step2,3 etc

Step1 is ok, with my server settings being saved, but none of my data showing up from step 2 and on….
Database details seem to be ok, then I go through steps 2 to 8, and then finally migration 100% completed, but
none of my actual data is migrating.  It seems to just be some sort of sample products/data that is migrating.

40 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone May 5, 2018

Hi there,

Database details seem to be ok, then I go through steps 2 to 8, and then finally migration 100% completed, but
none of my actual data is migrating.  It seems to just be some sort of sample products/data that is migrating.

That is strange. Did you do full steps as indicated in the guide of our tool in Readme.html?
If the issue still persists, let’s provide me information about your instance as followings:
+ Admin credentials and back-end URL
+ SSH credentials and path to Magento2 folder
I will help to check further and reply you more later.

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone May 9, 2018

Hi Rene, 
Please help to check again your source database credentials in step 1 to make sure you have correct source db. 
Ubertheme team

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone May 11, 2018

Hi there,

and the original ‘live’ version hosted at siteground is this….

So, please instruct me how to check further in your M1’s database. Once having access to take a closer look into your M1 db, I will get back to you then.


Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone May 14, 2018

Hi there,
So, please provide me the SSH credentials and path to Magento2 folder.
I will connect via SSH on this server and then, I will open a remote connection to your M1’s database via this channel.

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone May 14, 2018

Hi Rene,
Yes, please move forward with the migration process. In case you run across any issue, please pause the process and provide us details of the issue. We will help you out. 
Ubertheme team

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone May 15, 2018

Hi there,

 Or should I delete MAIN WEBSITE?

No, please don’t delete the original main website. To show products in front-end, you must setting the migrated root category for current default store of default website in your instance.
And then, you must re-index the data and clean Magento cache.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone May 25, 2018

Hi there,

but the categories are not showing up. Do you have experience with this sort of problem?

That is strange.How many categories in your source database? Do you have select all categories to migrate in settings in step #4 of our tool?

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone May 26, 2018

Hi there,

I have just realised that many of my categories in step4 were not checked (boxes), so I need to do a delta migration of my categories.
However, I cannot select the boxes….

Let’s try check the ‘SELECT ALL’ option in settings in step #4 and click ‘NEXT STEP’ button to save your setting.
And then run CLI command: php -f bin/ubdatamigration run --step=4 --mode=update
And tell me know how it goes.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone May 29, 2018

Hi there,

But now I cannot load the admin page categories page. I get this error in my browser, after the 

Let’s check more in the table named ‘store_group’ in your M2’s database. And manual re-update the root_category_id for existing Store IDs.
And clean the Magetno cache. And tell me know how it goes.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone May 29, 2018

Hi there,

I did not understand when you say to “manual re-update the root_category_id for existing Store IDs”

For simply, let’s do steps as below to solve the issue as you mentioned:
+ Run below SQL statement in your M2’s database:

UPDATE store_group SET root_category_id = 2 WHERE group_id > 0;

+ Once done, clean the Magento cache
And tell me know how it goes.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone June 1, 2018

Hi there,

So when I click on each category, no products appear but if I search for a specific product, it shows up.

The categories are parent data of products. And you did reset data migration in step #4 (migrate categories) and then remigrate data in this step. Therefore the category IDs was changed. But you have not re-update for data migration in the step #5 (migrate products) yet. And that is root of the issue you mentioned.
To solve the issue, you could try continue run delta migration in the step #5 with update mode. You could use CLI command below:
php -f bin/ubdatamigration run --step=5 --mode=update
One done, reindex your data and clean the Magento cache.
And tell me know how it goes.


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