Store not found

Magento CE: 2.2.3
Migration Pro: 3.1.3
After we migrated data and setup cron, magento log files show error about store is not found:

[2018-05-14 19:03:02] main.CRITICAL: Requested store is not found {“exception”:”[object] (Magento\\Framework\\Exception\\NoSuchEntityException(code: 0): Requested store is not found at /home/PATH/TO/SITE/vendor/magento/module-store/Model/StoreRepository.php:109)”} []  

6 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone May 16, 2018

Hi there,

[2018-05-14 19:03:02] main.CRITICAL: Requested store is not found {“exception”:”[object] 

Le’st refresh the log file of Magento and then clean the Magento cache.
And re-check the issue as you mentioned once more. If it still persists I will help to check further and get back you soon.

Profile photo of refueledinc 310.00 $tone May 16, 2018

This has been an ongoing issue since we did the data migration a week ago. Cache has been cleared many times already. I purged logs and cleaned/flushed cache. Issues shows up again in logs.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone May 16, 2018

Hi there,

There might be some data which was depended on the store ID, while such store ID did not exist in the store stable of your database.
I have just refreshed the Magento’s log and re-indexed your data and clean the Magento cache once more. I also added some debug code in the php file at: vendor/magento/module-store/Model/StoreRepository.php 
And as we can see the issue which related to loading of the store_id = 3:
But no store which has store_id = 3 is in place in the store table of your database now. And this is the root of the issue.
So, to solve that issue, you need to check at your end and re-update the data which depended with the store_id = 3 to one of existing stores in your database.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone May 17, 2018

Hi there,

Yes, after import, we deleted store 3, so I’m not sure why data would remain for it.

As explained in reply #4. There are some data context which has setting a relationship with the store which has store_id = 3.
You must re-check that at your end and re-update to existing store views.


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