The size of the images under Blackfriday is wrong

With latest Firefox Browser, the size of the images under Blackfriday is wrong. Can you let know where to touch the code?

10 answers

Profile photo of tuan le van 11570.00 $tone June 3, 2015

Hi Oliver Yuan,
I don’t connect to your sever . Please recheck the information of your FTP credential.

Can you let know where to touch the code?

=> app/design/frontend/default/jm_megamall/template/joomlart/jmproductsslider/list.phtml
Best regards,
Kan Lee

Profile photo of tuan le van 11570.00 $tone June 8, 2015

Hi Oliver,

ftp —
account/password: root / Diamond2012

I don’t still connect to your site by this FPT credential and Please provide me the account admin in your site.
Best reagrds,
Kan Lee.

Profile photo of tuan le van 11570.00 $tone June 11, 2015

Hi Oliver,
I have created and backuped the file : /root/quickstart/skin/frontend/default/jm_megamall/joomlart/jmproductsslider/js/jcarousellite_1.0.1_custom.js
I comment line 279 : //li.css({“width”:””,”height”:””});   and your site works fine.
Best ragards,

Profile photo of tuan le van 11570.00 $tone July 6, 2015

Hi Oliver,
Currently i see that someone reverted the file : /root/quickstart/skin/frontend/default/jm_megamall/joomlart/jmproductsslider/js/jcarousellite_1.0.1_custom.js.
Please follow the steps above : 

: /root/quickstart/skin/frontend/default/jm_megamall/joomlart/jmproductsslider/js/jcarousellite_1.0.1_custom.js
I comment line 279 : //li.css({“width”:””,”height”:””});   and your site works fine.

Best regards,


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