With latest Firefox Browser, the size of the images under Blackfriday is wrong. Can you let know where to touch the code?
10 answers
Hi Oliver Yuan ,
I need a closer look to detect the root of the issue. Please provide me the url, admin , FTP credentials of your site
Best regards,
Kan Lee
Hi Oliver Yuan,
I don’t connect to your sever . Please recheck the information of your FTP credential.
Can you let know where to touch the code?
=> app/design/frontend/default/jm_megamall/template/joomlart/jmproductsslider/list.phtml
Best regards,
Kan Lee
Hi Oliver,
ftp —http://www.artdesavourer.com
account/password: root / Diamond2012
I don’t still connect to your site by this FPT credential and Please provide me the account admin in your site.
Best reagrds,
Kan Lee.
It’s so strange! Sorry for the inconvenience.
I updated the ftp info again. Can you check it again, Kan?
Hi Oliver,
I have created and backuped the file : /root/quickstart/skin/frontend/default/jm_megamall/joomlart/jmproductsslider/js/jcarousellite_1.0.1_custom.js
I comment line 279 : //li.css({“width”:””,”height”:””}); and your site works fine.
Best ragards,
Hi Oliver,
Currently i see that someone reverted the file : /root/quickstart/skin/frontend/default/jm_megamall/joomlart/jmproductsslider/js/jcarousellite_1.0.1_custom.js.
Please follow the steps above :
: /root/quickstart/skin/frontend/default/jm_megamall/joomlart/jmproductsslider/js/jcarousellite_1.0.1_custom.js
I comment line 279 : //li.css({“width”:””,”height”:””}); and your site works fine.
Best regards,