I have searched everywhere. I can’t find where to translate the “Quick View” button that loads in the “Most Viewed” block.
I have reviewed the phtml that creates the view and it doesn’t seem to add such button. I have translated all jmquickview.js files I could find and it’s still in english. Can’t translate it with in-line translation either
Thank you
3 answers
Hi Pablotll,
You can go to the file . app\design\frontend\ubertheme\techzone\template\joomlart\jmquickview\quickviewhead.phtml inline 27 and
app\design\frontend\ubertheme\techzone\template\ubertheme\ubshopby\layer.phtml inline 96
quickViewText: "Quick View",
quickViewText: "<?php echo $this->__("Quick View");?>",
Have a look and let’s me know how it goes.
Best regards
That did the trick, thank you Kan!
Just a note to someone who may stumble upon this question looking for the answer: i’m not using the techzone style, I’m using crafts, so take your style into consideration when looking for the files mentioned by Kan.
Yes, Thank you very much pablotll