I’ve got two different Magento stores, one in Swedish and one in English. When I translate one product to Swedish the English translation gets deleted and vice versa. Does any one know how to translate the products into two different languages?
Thank you!
2 answers
Although product attributes are not directly translated, you may be able to use the multi-store capability of Magento to accomplish the same thing. If you set up your different languages as different store views, you can change the relevant product attributes to "Store View" level and assign different values for each store.
That way, product names and descriptions can be entered in their localized form and displayed properly.
Hope that helps!
Hello Tom!
Thanks for your reply, I hadn’t seen it until now.
I’ve got the two store views set up but when I translate a poduct in English to Swedish the English translation gets turned into Swedish as well…and vice versa. Really strange. It doesn’t happen all the time, but I’m not doing anything differently, i think…
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