Hello there,
I’ve got a shop with 2 view one for english and the other one for french. It’s almost working fine.
I just have trouble with the "your language", "filter" and "sort by". I’ve got 2 folders in /maboutique/app/locale for english and french with the right files in it.
Can somebody help me with that ?
5 answers
Please open this file: app\design\frontend\default\jm_classy\locale\
And translate this file:
Attachment 34951
For instance: Attachment 34952
Hi Harper,
Thanks for your answer, but I’ve already done that it’s working fine for most of the shop but some word remain reluctant to being translated.
You can see the shop here : http://www.french-therapy.com/index….-postales.html
For this page I’ve got a problem with "item" and "sort by"
For this one :
it’s for "quantity" and "add to wishlisthttp://www.french-therapy.com/index….igueux-48.html
There are a few more.
I was wondering if there is another file with translation, but I can’t locate it.
Hope somebody can help me with that.
Have a fun day
Hi Fred,
I need to take a closer look to detect the root of issue, please PM me url, admin and ftp credentials of your site. I will get back to you once figure it out.
Hi Harper,
I sent you a PM last week. Did you get it ?
My apology, somehow I missed your thread. I tried but could not access your admin and FTP account you provided. Could you please have it re-activated again.