I have two outstanding issues that I need help resolving. I’ve tried multiple times with clean installs and cant seem to get these working.
1 -- After migration, the categories do not show up in the product page in the backend. They show up fine on the front end and layered navigation seems to be working fine. But if I add a new product or edit an existing product, the categories dropdown selector is missing my migrated categories. In a previous migration test, I was able to get them to show up if I created a new root category and moved my migrated categories into it. I’ve redindex and it didnt fix the issue. (I will respond to this privately with credentials and product IDs.)
2 -- A few of my advanced search fields aren’t returning any data. They do on my M1 site. Here’s the details: https://magento.stackexchange.com/questions/174546/multi-select-attribute-not-indexing-ce-2-6-1
16 answers
Hi there,
Kindly re-check, i can’t use your ssh credentials you are provided: http://i.prntscr.com/fd664e2e9cc84f6f8306872080e61f1a.png
I have checked long time in back-end of your site and see the issue #1 as you mentioned. That is a strangle issue.
I don’t know what did you do with your data after migrated? Can you reset and restart data migration from step #3 -> #8 now?
Whit issue #2, did you reindex your data after migrated?
Your IP wasnt whitelisted. I’ve done that now so you should be able to ssh.
For issue 1 -- I didnt do anything with the data after the migration except for what was listed in your documentation. I had these issues with previous migrations so I set up a clean install for you to look at. I dont see a point in resetting since I opened this ticket a few minutes after the migration.
For issue 2, yes. I reindexed the data.
Hi there,
I have not detect the root of issue #1 yet. Kindly provide me more the phpmyadmin credentials of your databases. I will check directly in your databases and reply you more later.
I just tried copying the password above and it worked. Please try again.
#1 was solved before by you moving them. But its good to know because I’ll be buying another copy of this extension for another site that’s set up the same way and I’ll probably have the same issue.
Do you know what’s going on with #2?
Thank you for finding that. However, it works just fine on my M1 site. I’ve set it to varchar on my M2 site, reindexed and its still not working.
Hi there,
However, it works just fine on my M1 site
Yes, that is not the default working rule of Magento 1. And it caused conflicts with the new working rule of default Magento 2 too.
I’ve set it to varchar on my M2 site,
You should not do it. Because the values of that attribute are still stored in the table catalog_product_entity_text.
If you change that, you have to move all values of that attribute from the table `catalog_product_entity_text` to the table `catalog_product_entity_varchar` too.
Please note that: Our tool only helps to migrate, but does not convert your data. We have to do some extra tweaks to convert for your special case.
I appreciate your help identifying what the issue is. I was able to modify the scripts found here to fix my issue: https://dev98.de/2017/01/19/fixing-issues-after-changing-product-attribute-type-from-varchar-to-text/
Hi there,
Yeah, let’s contact me if you need further assistance.