Hello ubertheme,
When I followed your instruction input the command, but it responded can not open bin/magento.
Can you let me what’s happening?
Thank you!
3 answers
Hi derek chong,
Let’s provide me more details about issues in your working. Some screenshots…?
I will check further and help you get out.
Hi Mall,
Here is the message:
Last login: Thu Jun 23 17:16:10 on console
Timways-iMac:~ iMac27$ php -f bin/magento module:enable --clear-static-content Ubertheme_Ubdatamigration
Could not open input file: bin/magento
Timways-iMac:~ iMac27$
Timways-iMac:~ iMac27$
Hi derek chong,
In Terminal, you have to go to your Magento 2 folder before run that command.
Also, you can run that command any where in your Terminal as bellow:
php -f path_to_your_magento2/bin/magentomo dule:enable --clear-static-content Ubertheme_Ubdatamigration
Let’s have a look again and let’s me know if you need further assistance!