Unable to upload image via Editor

The insert image dialogue opens okay.
When you select the ‘Browse’ image it opens a new window but gives a 404 error, so I imagine it is something simple; a request for the wrong page, or a permission issue.

1 answer

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone March 24, 2016

Hi David Dobson,
The root issue is the error of  tiny_mce plugin in the Magento Core.
To solve this issue, let’s do some steps as follows:

1.Open the javascript file at js/mage/adminhtml/wysiwyg/tiny_mce/setup.js
and find to line 173, change:

var storeId = this.config.store_id !== null ? this.config.store_id : 0;


var storeId = this.config.store_id != null ? this.config.store_id : 0;

2. Clean the Magento cache after your changing.


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