Update your Bookshop demo please!

I have installed your Bookshop Quickstart.zip but your Magento modules are not updated in it???

5 answers

Profile photo of dialoguenet 110.00 $tone February 25, 2016

Also when we purchase the theme we have to download the theme files and all joomlart modules and following your instructions we have to install them individually. But your /jm_book/ already containe in /app/design/frontend/base/ all the joomlart module and it look like those modules are not at the same version.
So I have 2 versions of the plugin one in base and the other in your theme folder?? With one is the good one???
So I got the strong impression that the code I brought is not clean and fonctional.

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone March 1, 2016

Hi There,
Please try download and install again. We have exported the upgrade version.
Please let me know if you need help further.
Best Regardz,

Profile photo of dialoguenet 110.00 $tone March 1, 2016

I have reinstalled the demo and for exemple, the path for the Product Slider module is in your demo is: /default/jm_book/template/joomlart/jmproductsslider/list.phtml
But in a plein install it’s : frontend/base/default/template/joomlart/jmproductslider/default.phtml
So I notify 2 diferences 
1 -- The demo module is installed under /jm_book/ and the plein install is under /base/
2 -- The directory name for this  module is not the same. In demo it’s /jmproductsslider/ and in plein install it’s /jmproductslider/
My problems is… your demo work but a fresh installation of your theme and  module didn’t, specially for jmproductslider module.
So with version is the good one? 
The fact is… if I install the theme with all separate module it’s not working.. !
I tired to try understanding that mess, I have a web site to deliver you know?
Thank you for your help

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone March 4, 2016

Hi There,
Please PM me you skype or hangout via gmail I will help you direct. my time is: +7
Best Regards


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