Upgrade UB Data Migration pro 2.0.5 to 3.0.2

I have UB Data migration pro 2.0.5 and i would like to updrade it to 3.0.2. I noticed my support contract ended 6 days ago! Would it be possible to still upgrade the tool??
Thanks in advance!

3 answers

Profile photo of Admin Staff -30640.00 $tone October 24, 2016

Hi Jejotuul,
I did reply to you via your ticket in July: https://www.ubertheme.com/question/migration-of-sales-data-failing/
Your purchase was marked abandon, which means you no longer have access to download area. 
Kindly let us know us know your transaction ID so that we could keep track of your payment again. 
An Nguyen

Profile photo of Admin Staff -30640.00 $tone October 24, 2016

Hi there,
My team has just sent you an email, kindly check. 
Meanwhile, I have set your previous reply with private status, as you referred to your customer’s login details. 
An Nguyen


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