I have used UB Data Migartion Pro to migrate my website from M1 1.9.3 to M2.2.4 everyhting works great except for 1 thing. I can’t change the url key. When I do this at a migrated product the new url key is saved but doesn’t reflect on frontend. I did all reindex claer cache etc.
For all newly created products it works fine, a new url key is immediately active on frontend so this must be a migration issue.
Please advise on how to fix this.
5 answers
Hi there,
When I do this at a migrated product the new url key is saved but doesn’t reflect on frontend. I did all reindex claer cache etc
That is strangle. And that related to Magento core function only. Please re-check this at your end once more. If the issue still persists, let’s provide me information about your instance:
+ Admin credentials and URL to back-end
+ SSH credentials and path to Magetno2
I will help to check further and reply you more later.
we can also confirm this issue. If you change URL key for migrated product, it changed in catalog_product_entity_varchar but url_path stays the same and there are no changes in url_rewrites tables whatsoever.
Hi Ivan,
To solve the issue you mentioned when changing URL Key of products in your back-end, you could follow the steps below:
+ Run the following SQL statement in your M2 database:
DELETE FROM `catalog_product_entity_varchar` WHERE `attribute_id` IN (SELECT `attribute_id` FROM `eav_attribute` WHERE `entity_type_id` = 4 AND `attribute_code` = 'url_path');
+ Once done, clean the Magento cache
Then please re-check the issue and let me know how it goes.
yes, this one sorted the issue out.
Hi Ivan,
Glad that it helps.
If you have any additional question, please get back to us here or submit a new ticket.
Ubertheme team