I installed the UB Migration Pro tool but the icon never showed up in my Magento admin panel.
It is enabled in my component manager so I know that the installation at least half worked.
7 answers
Hi Crystal Carrette,
Did you follow full steps of our tool indicated in the readme.txt?
Let’s provide me the admin and ssh credentials of your Magento2.
I will check further and help you out.
Hi there,
Here is root of the issue as you mentioned: http://i.prntscr.com/e32c6001824b4bf3b5dc6128958854d1.png
I don’t know why you have disabled our tool in your Magento2 site.
I have just reactivated our tool on your M2 site.
Now, please check again and follow step by step instructions in the readme.txt file to start migration.
It seems your M2 is not a fresh installation. I see you have some third-party theme/extensions in your Magento2 site.
For your reference about a good work flow you should consider:
Step 1: Install a Magento2 fresh instance.
Step 2: Install our tool and start migrate your data
Step 3: Once done, you can install themes/extensions.
Hi there,
So, you should consider to steps bellow:
Step 1: Install a Magento2 fresh instance.
Step 2: Re-download the latest version of our tool and install to your Magento2 you have just installed.
Step 3: Follow step by step in the readme.xt to migrate your data
Step 4: Once done, you can install themes/extensions
I don’t want to reinstall my entire site and theme. I have done a lot of styling and formatting that I don’t want to have to redo.
The UB Data Migration Pro tool says that it is enabled on my site. I can see it in my FTP manager. There is just no icon showing up so I can’t start the migration.
Can you please detail for me the steps for how to uninstall UBDATA migration Pro completely and I will just reinstall it again from scratch?
Hi Crystal Carrette,
Please follow my answer at here: https://www.ubertheme.com/question/need-help-getting-ub-migration-pro-to-work/