I found Many Quickstart Packages of Magento Theme are not upgraded to Magento 1.9.1, yet? Examples: Aroma, Casual, Classy…etc.
Any schedule to fully upgrade to Magento 1.9.1?
Pls advise which templates are compatible with Magento 1.9.1
15 answers
Hi Seth,
Please refer to the page http://www.ubertheme.com/magento-themes-compatibility-matrix/ for more information
We plan to upgrade some templates within next month : summer,Aroma, Casual…
We will write the announcement right after we update batch of templates.
A follow up question: Anybody had complained 404 error after installation of a Quickstart Package? I experienced it in the folowing quickstart templates: aroma, casual, tony, Travelgear, summer.
As I’m using Ngnix web server, I suspect it’s related to NGNIX. Any advice from your side?
Many thanks.
Hi Seth Mak,
Anybody had complained 404 error after installation of a Quickstart Package
To solve that issue you can try run directly to the Database (Database installed the Magento) bellow SQL commands via MySQL maganer (example: phpMyAdmin…)
UPDATE `core_store` SET store_id = 0 WHERE code='admin';
UPDATE `core_store_group` SET group_id = 0 WHERE name='Default';
UPDATE `core_website` SET website_id = 0 WHERE code='admin';
UPDATE `customer_group` SET customer_group_id = 0 WHERE customer_group_code='NOT LOGGED IN';
Hope this help.
it does not work 🙁
my url: http://tony.biza.com.hk/
Any idea?
Should I PM you my ftp and phpmyadmin access?
I found out the Quickstart package of Tony, Travelgear have problems, as I saw “2014” at the bottom while they are supposed to be of Magento 1.9.10 and I got 404 error. I can install all other quickstart package of 1.9.10 (gem, kidsland, sportsgear{it’s 1.9.10 compatible, right}, megamall, bookshop, crafts, sporty, haga).
Hello there,
I have sent the ftp, phpmyadmin and url to you via PM.
Pls update me once you have an answer.
Hi Seth Mak,
Please re-check the FTP credential you are provided.
I can not connect to your server with that.
I sent a PM to you that the ftp is working now
Hi Seth Mak,
I still can’t connect to your server via FTP credential you are provided.
Also, i have checked the tony database and see an issue with prefix of tables. You can see this at screenshot
Seem code to install quickstart in Magento core has an issue. I need to check further current code of Tony website in your server to detect the root of issue.
Please re-check the FTP credential again.
Sorry the server was down. It’s up now. Pls check again.
Hi Seth Mak,
The not found issue after install Quick Start package because you are sett the $_SERVER[‘MAGE_RUN_CODE’] = “default” in your server but there is not a store with store_code = “default” in the Quick Start Database.
I have open the index.php in webroot folder and add more the code:
$mageRunCode = '';
after the code:
$mageRunCode = isset($_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_CODE']) ? $_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_CODE'] : '';
and the issue was solved.
Please remove the setting for $_SERVER[‘MAGE_RUN_CODE’] in your server. for other Magento installation.
May you tell me where is this ” $_SERVER[‘MAGE_RUN_CODE’]” setting in my server?
Hi Seth Mak,
The seem you are setting $_SERVER[‘MAGE_RUN_CODE’] in VirtualHost cofiguration of domain tony.biza.com.hk
You can re-check it and remove the setting like as SetEnv MAGE_RUN_CODE “default”
Hope this helps.