You can't reset this step. You have to reset step

I don’t want to reset the CMS / page step as have done work on the pages
But I want to reset everything else products, sales, etc to import the data again?
But it won’t let me?
please advise.

1 answer

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone February 22, 2022

Hi there,

I don’t want to reset the CMS / page step as have done work on the pages
But I want to reset everything else products, sales, etc to import the data again?
But it won’t let me?
please advise.

In this case you must reset step #8 first, and then you can reset step #7 and other steps of our migration tool. This is the default function of our migration tool.
To be able to reset step #8 and re-migrate data from the ground up without effects to migrated CMS Pages, our migration tool needs more tweak code to handle.



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