the languages are not working in items panel

 When you add menu item whatever is choose as language its always french….. please help, no one answered my multiple emails , im relaly close to ask for refund if no answers to my support request

5 answers

Profile photo of Lara 4810.00 $tone March 24, 2015

Could you please clarify which email you send to?
We have not yet received any email from you. There are 2 questions on the list We already sent the feedback to you.
Please let us know if we miss any question of you!

Profile photo of vanderex 500.00 $tone March 24, 2015

ok i figured out that the docs are online somewhere, there should realle be a link in the readme to the online docs, 

i didnt receive anything from you exept a “question replied”, when you replay to the email it goes to [email protected] which is non monitored nor answered.
all seems to work , apart from the megamenu always using first language, 
made 2 menu groups, english and french, add items, make them english, when you choose the style ( list/category/cms) and choose category ( the dropdown populates but is ALWAYS in french… )

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone March 27, 2015

Hi vanderex,
Yes, that is a issue of out Jm Megamenu extension. We was fixed this issue in latest version of JmMegamenu extension.
You can download the latest version at
and then extract and install update it to your site.
Do it and let’s me know how it goes.


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