When you add menu item whatever is choose as language its always french….. please help, no one answered my multiple emails , im relaly close to ask for refund if no answers to my support request
5 answers
Could you please clarify which email you send to?
We have not yet received any email from you. There are 2 questions on the list http://prntscr.com/6kljq5. We already sent the feedback to you.
Please let us know if we miss any question of you!
ok i figured out that the docs are online somewhere, there should realle be a link in the readme to the online docs,
i didnt receive anything from you exept a “question replied”, when you replay to the email it goes to [email protected] which is non monitored nor answered.
all seems to work , apart from the megamenu always using first language,
made 2 menu groups, english and french, add items, make them english, when you choose the style ( list/category/cms) and choose category ( the dropdown populates but is ALWAYS in french… )
Hi vanderex,
Yes, that is a issue of out Jm Megamenu extension. We was fixed this issue in latest version of JmMegamenu extension.
You can download the latest version at https://www.dropbox.com/s/15zjrb0d8chgftl/JmMegamenu.zip?dl=0
and then extract and install update it to your site.
Do it and let’s me know how it goes.