Update Search Bar

1. Based on the region I need to change the text inside the Search Bar.
2. Allow Search to be fluid. Search is VERY VERY important from book store. This needs to be more "in your face"
3. Change the color to reflect theme.

Attachment 33938

5 answers

Profile photo of tomc 0.00 $tone February 13, 2014

1. Based on the region I need to change the text inside the Search Bar.
2. Allow Search to be fluid. Search is VERY VERY important from book store. This needs to be more "in your face"
3. Change the color to reflect theme.

Attachment 33938

So that we can try to best assist you, please provide the url of the site you’re working on,
as well as set "Optimize CSS" to "No" within your Template Manager--General settings.

Profile photo of Sherlock 0.00 $tone February 14, 2014

I think it requires pretty much of changes to implement as per your requests, consider to purchase a tweak, giving more details there and one of our staff shall help you out, take a look at tweak page here for more details.


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