Conversion VAT not correct

After complet conversion (all 8 steps) all products are converted. But none of them has the correct Tax class. They all should have “BTW Hoog” (Tax high) or “BTW laag” (TAX low). The tax data are converted but not assigned to the product.
If I add the correct tax class to a product it is not working. Price is the same with or without tax.

27 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone January 3, 2017

Hi jukebox-revival,

But none of them has the correct Tax class. They all should have “BTW Hoog” (Tax high) or “BTW laag” (TAX low). The tax data are converted but not assigned to the product.

I need to closer look to detect the root of issue as you said. Kindly provide me the admin and ssh credentials of your Magento1 and Magento2 in your working now.
Also, please provide me the phpmyadmin credential of your Magento1 vs Magento2 databases.
I will check further and help you out.

Profile photo of jukebox-revival 2040.00 $tone January 26, 2017

Because of some other problems I started all over with the conversion. I have done step 1 to 5 but agian TAX is not converted right. After the above SQL statements it still is wrong there is no difference in the price with or without tax. 
I’m trying to convert now for one month without any succes. I had hoped for a better product.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone January 27, 2017

Hi jukebox-revival
I don’t know why you got wrong tax_class id in your products migrated.
I can’t clone the issue as you mentioned with product tax classes as you mentioned in my local.
Kindly provide me a backup of your Magento1 database. I will working in more time with your database in my local.
And then, i will reply you later.

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98170.00 $tone January 29, 2017

Hi There,
Please give us sometime to follow up your ticket.
At the moment, our team has a 7 day national festival event starting from Wednesday (25 Jan), we are sorry that our technical support service would have some delay during this time. Especially, we are off on 28th and 29th Jan as these are both our weekend time and the most important days of our national festival event.
We’re terribly sorry for inconvenience caused to you and thank you for your patience.
Ubertheme team

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone February 3, 2017

Hi jukebox-revival,

After complet conversion (all 8 steps) all products are converted. But none of them has the correct Tax class. They all should have “BTW Hoog” (Tax high) or “BTW laag” (TAX low). The tax data are converted but not assigned to the product.

I have checked further and see that is actually an issue of our tool which occurred specifically for your case. We will update the fix to our tool -- v3.0.5 accordingly. 
For a quick solution, kindly follows steps below:
Step 1: Reset steps from #5 -> #8
You can reset each step using CLI commands:
php -f bin/ubdatamigration reset --step=8
php -f bin/ubdatamigration reset --step=7
Step 2: Open the php file at: pub/ub-tool/protected/controllers/Step5Controller.php
and find the lines:

if (!$m2Id) {
$taxClass2 = Mage2TaxClass::model()->find("class_name = '{$taxClass1->class_name}' AND class_type = '{$taxClass1->class_type}'");
if (!$taxClass2) {
$taxClass2 = new Mage2TaxClass();
$taxClass2->class_name = $taxClass1->class_name;
$taxClass2->class_type = $taxClass1->class_type;
} else {
$canReset = UBMigrate::RESET_NO;
if ($taxClass2->save()) {
//save to map table
'entity_name' => $taxClass1->tableName(),
'm1_id' => $taxClass1->class_id,
'm2_id' => $taxClass2->class_id,
'm2_model_class' => get_class($taxClass2),
'm2_key_field' => 'class_id',
'can_reset' => $canReset,
'step_index' => $this->stepIndex
//update new product tax class_id
$model2->value = $taxClass2->class_id;
} else {
$this->errors[] = get_class($taxClass2) . ": " . UBMigrate::getStringErrors($taxClass2->getErrors());

and replace it with:

if (!$m2Id) {
$taxClass2 = Mage2TaxClass::model()->find("class_name = '{$taxClass1->class_name}' AND class_type = '{$taxClass1->class_type}'");
if (!$taxClass2) {
$taxClass2 = new Mage2TaxClass();
$taxClass2->class_name = $taxClass1->class_name;
$taxClass2->class_type = $taxClass1->class_type;
} else {
$canReset = UBMigrate::RESET_NO;
if ($taxClass2->save()) {
//save to map table
'entity_name' => $taxClass1->tableName(),
'm1_id' => $taxClass1->class_id,
'm2_id' => $taxClass2->class_id,
'm2_model_class' => get_class($taxClass2),
'm2_key_field' => 'class_id',
'can_reset' => $canReset,
'step_index' => $this->stepIndex
//update new product tax class_id
$model2->value = $taxClass2->class_id;
} else {
$this->errors[] = get_class($taxClass2) . ": " . UBMigrate::getStringErrors($taxClass2->getErrors());
} else {
//update new product tax class_id
$model2->value = $m2Id;

Step 3: Re-migrate steps from #5 -> #8.
Then follow all steps in our Readme.txt guide. And let me know how it goes.

Profile photo of jukebox-revival 2040.00 $tone February 4, 2017

No succes it stil is a big mess in the frontend. Product names are not displayed in the front end but give a 404 error. Dutch and English are mixed in display all prices are 0 (special price on all items is 0 instead of ‘null’. Prices without VAT are all zero. Pictures are only visible on configurable products. That is what I find in 1 minute. Maybe there is more wrong if I take a closer look.
Changing the VAT code makes the price with or without VAT the same again. I will email you a few pictures of the frontend.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone February 5, 2017

Hi there,

But none of them has the correct Tax class. They all should have “BTW Hoog” (Tax high) or “BTW laag” (TAX low). The tax data are converted but not assigned to the product.

Could you please confirm if the Migrated Products Tax classed has been resolved? 

Here is an example in Dutch and English of a product (printscreen.pdf).

I have checked and see the screenshot referred to product SKU: 15Rcarbon. I did check in backend and migrated database in my local and could not found such product which means it does not exist in both your M1 and migrated M2.
Meanwhile, for each issue, please help to check and compare both your M1 and migrated M2. If it relates to product, which specific SKU it associates with. 

Profile photo of jukebox-revival 2040.00 $tone February 5, 2017

In the backend they all seem to have the correct VAT class. But on the frontend not one is correct. The 15Rcarbon was the latest product we added this week but the same goes for all other products. Not one is completely ok.

Profile photo of jukebox-revival 2040.00 $tone February 5, 2017

I think I solved the VAT issue. The system made a mess of the customer groups. The all had the wrong TAX-class or no tax class. Now we have to get the special price removed (not on the real special price of course). I think empty special price are converted as 0 in stead of “null” and that triggers magento to use the special price.
Also most product are not displayed correct. the name is displayed as “whoops, our bad… see” looks like the name cannot be found or displayed on the product page. Also the pictures for each item are not displayed in the category pages but on the prodcut page they are ok.


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