Data Migration FAQs – Product Attribute Set configuration
I. Brief Introduction
UB Data Migration Pro helps you effectively port all key products, customers orders, reviews, newsletter data.. from Magento CE 1.x to Magento CE 2 with ease. It supports delta migration, command-line interface, PHP memcached and so on.
The download package is available via your profile:
NOTE: The full user guide for UB Data Migration Pro is included in your download package.
If you’re new and wish to learn more about the extension, check out this tutorial video. It will walk you through all migration steps using UB Data Migration Pro, including delta migration process.
II. Why updating Product Attribute Set configuration settings?
After completing data migration successfully using UB Data Migration Pro, if you are having a problem with the Product Attribute Set, for instance:
- All migrated products are available in product’s backend grid view, however when editing the product, both prices or quantity fields are not shown
- When editing Bundle products, the list of child item associated with the Bundle products are not shown
This guide will walk you through steps to address such issues.
III. How to get Product Attribute Set ready for use in Magento 2
Our migration tool brings the whole Magento 1 product attribute sets to Magento 2 on as-is basis. So, you might need to re-order some required attributes or add missing product attribute sets in accordance with Magento 2 rule.
Step 1: After you complete data migration, navigate to (your Magento 2 admin panel) Stores | (Attribute) Attribute Set, you should see:
- Default: refers to Magento 2 default attribute set which we make no change.
- Default migrated: refers to all your Magento 1 Product Attribute Sets which are migrated on as-is basis to Magento 2.
Step 2: Click Default (mentioned in Step 1) to browse all Magento 2 default Product Attribute Sets, from which you can compare with your migrated product attribute sets.
Step 3: Click the Default Migrated (mentioned in Step 1) to open your migrated Product Attribute Set in a new tab. Depending on your specific store, your migrated product attribute sets might differ from sample screenshot below:
Now simply compare your migrated attribute sets (in Step 3) with the default Magento 2 attribute sets (in Step 2), then:
- Drag and drop your migrated product attributes to the right Product Attribute Sets, if your migrated attributes are in the wrong group.
NOTE: Make sure all Magento 2’s required product attributes (like Price, Quantity_and_stock_status, Category_ids etc.,) must be in place.
- Create new Product Attribute Sets, if they do not exist in your migrated data.
Step 4: Once done, click Save button. And your migrated product attribute sets should be ready for use in your Magento 2.
Tutorial Video
To illustrate all steps mentioned above, the tutorial video below will walk you through some sample steps, including:
- Drag and drop the attributes which are in wrong Product Attribute Groups in accordance with Magento 2 rule
- Create Bundle Product Attribute Set which does not exist in Magento 1 while it is required in Magento 2