Best way yo export transactions and inventory change to external file

Hello guys!

this migth be a Magento questions, however I, pretty sure some of you had already being into this scenario.ti

I have Magento site running over JA Asenti

I need to setup a automatic process to run every 00.00am that should export to a file, prererable all product changes and sales to be used to take it to an ERP solution..

has some of you being into this? the thing is, that the store also operates on a separate main system, and every half day or every day, all data needs to be sinchronized..

does anybody have a clue or where should I look info about..

Magento is an ocean of docs and tutoriasl, but here at Joomlart is the heaven of experiences.!

please help.

2 answers

Profile photo of Sherlock 0.00 $tone November 6, 2012

Hi rcerrato,

This probably need a special magento extension and I think that we don’t have that kind of extensions, you can go to the magento extension market place here to see if you find an extension that suit your need.

Profile photo of Rusell Cerrato 0.00 $tone November 7, 2012

Hi Sherlock Holmes,

Yes your rigth, actually there are some I being looking at, however, I just wanted to pop the question in caso someone has deal with it once, and could give me a clue not just the tools, but the experiences..

I know there are some reports I can run on Magento, wich could give me some data, however non experince on that from my side..

I will look into the url you point me to, and see if I can find something at magento app..

thanks a lot, rgds.


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