Currently this module uses the "Description" field of the product information. Some of my products have a very long description and it doesn’t fit in the slideshow.
My Question:
How do i change it so that the slideshow module shows the info from the "Short Description" field of the product information?
5 answers
Dear jetproductions!
Before give you the solution, Let me known Which ja’s template do you use on your site?
I’m using the JM Rasite template. Thanks for the help!
Hi jetproductions
Currently, this module does not support your idea but i have reported your idea to our team for developing in the next version
i will inform you when this option is done.
what values do i need to change in the code to get this fixed? it would be nice to have some support, so i don’t have to track it down myself.
Dear jetproductions!
Here is the solution to resolve this issue:
Please open the file:
\app\design\frontend\default\jm_rasitetemplate\jo omlart\jmslideshow\list_products.phtml
and try to find the following code:
PHP Code:
<?php echo nl2br($_product->getDescription()) ?>
and replace:
PHP Code:
<?php echo nl2br($_product->getShortDescription()) ?>
or you would limit characters displayed:
You ‘ll replace by :
PHP Code:
<?php echo substr(nl2br($_product->getShortDescription()), 0, 60).'...';?>
GOod luck