Which files do i edit to change the default text boxes on checkout/shipping, i want to change zip code to just post code and state/province to county.
11 answers
Hi stuartosborne,
Go to file: app/locale/en_US/Mage_Checkout.csv and with a small search, you can easily find out 2 lines of these text:
Line 335: "Zip/Postal Code","Zip/Postal Code"
Line 287: "State/Province","State/Province"
And change the text in right-hand side, then flush all magento cache.
Hope this helps.
Hi Saguaros
I have just tried this but i am still getting state/province etc. as per screenshot, i flushed all the caches,
Attachment 22969
This is my ammended file
Attachment 22970
then i flushed the caches
Is their another file for this ?
many thanks
PM me FTP account again, I shall check for you
Thanks Saguaros, I have just PM’d the FTP details 2 you
You’re right, it’s so strange cause I do the same in my local but it works, I mean it change those text label.
Did you make any change to the code of this site? Please also pm admin account, I shall try more.
No i didn’t make much change on the code only to take out the colours option from menu.
I have pm’d you the site admin details
thanks for your help
This is getting very urgent, can anyone explain why editing the csv files is not changing the text on the site ??
Hi Stuart,
We’ve changed in file: app/design/frontend/default/jm_adamite/template/persistent/checkout/onepage/billing.phtml and it seems work now. Please have a look and let me know if I can be of further assistant.
This thread was replied late and apologies for the same.
Hi Sauaros
This works fine for the customer details, but it also needs the same for the shipping information and for the estimate shipping that shows up in the cart, how can this be changed? i have looked in your onepage billing phtml file but can not see it in here.
Please can you take a look soonest, many thanks
Hi Stuart,
-- To change in estimate shipping and tax section in cart page, you go to file: /app/design/frontend/default/jm_adamite/template/checkout/cart/shipping.phtml, and change State/Province text to your own word
PHP Code:
<label for="region_id"<?php if ($this->isStateProvinceRequired()) echo ' class="required"' ?>><?php if ($this->isStateProvinceRequired()) echo '<em>*</em>' ?><?php echo $this->__('State/Province') ?></label>
-- To change for shipping information, go to file: /app/design/frontend/default/jm_adamite/template/checkout/onepage/shipping.phtml and make your change like above.
And let me know if you need further helps.
That’s absolutly fantastic, thanks Saguaros you certainly are a support hero
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