How do I customise customer emails

I wonder how I can change the customer emails. Such as the registered account emails etc.
Now the email shows up with Magento logo and at the bottom it just says "Main Store", where I instead would like to have the name of the store.

Thank you in advance!

3 answers

Profile photo of Malin Tisell 0.00 $tone June 30, 2011

Hello again!
Have just opened the html files and can see that I need to change text in the configuration somewhere, see this text from account_new_confirmation.html:

<td bgcolor="#EAEAEA" align="center" style="background:#EAEAEA; text-align:center;"><center><p style="font-size:12px; margin:0;">Thank you again, <strong>{{var store.getFrontendName()}}</strong></p></center></td>

Thank you!


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