I would like to show a big video instead of the slideshow.
the video size is 910px / 610 px
when I am disabling the slideshow module and adding the video the other boxes in position 3 goes below the position 1.
how can I fix it?
site link: http://smarticap.com/index.php/home
2 answers
any answer? please help me with that issue. it’s urgent.
I would like to show a big video instead of the slideshow.
the video size is 910px / 610 pxwhen I am disabling the slideshow module and adding the video the other boxes in position 3 goes below the position 1.
Are you certain that the height/width of your video is the same as the slideshow block?
If the dimensions of the block for the video are larger than that of the slideshow you are replacing, then yes … other elements will be "pushed" down the page.