How to auto update megamenu from categories?

We have many categories in our store, so we would like to make links in Megamenu automatically. Or maybe change the MegaMenu addon to the standard Magento menu in the template jm casual and make it visible in the mobile views (the standard Magento menu is not visible in the mobile view of the template). 

3 answers

Profile photo of fairscan 510.00 $tone December 6, 2016

I would also be interested in this. I noticed you have done this for the Magento 2 Mega Menu plugin, but not version 1. When will you be implementing this for Magento 1? I think it is unfair that you give this to Magento 2 users for free, but not your loyal Magento 1 users to pay.

Profile photo of Admin Staff -30640.00 $tone December 6, 2016

Hi Faircan, 
Actually, our Magento 2 products are completely new and separated from Magento 1. Due to our current limited resources, it’s hard for us to implement all feature sets equally for both categories.
The Magento 1 has many other free builtin extensions that are not in place in Magento 2 though.
An Nguyen 


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