How to change the photo image size (thumbnail, small or large photo sizes) for the below links:
8 answers
How to change the photo image size (thumbnail, small or large photo sizes) for the below links:
still waiting for replied after 4 days:-(
Hi victorlai,
From this list page…_store=default I see the image size have been changed from the ogrinal,anyway you can open the file of app\design\frontend\default\jm_sceriftemplate\cat alog\product\list.phtml to make changes, for the product detail page you can open the file app\design\frontend\default\jm_sceriftemplate\cat alog\product\view.phtml
I hope this helps !
I didn’t make any changes to the image size from the original. Anyway I replace the file with the original one, but it still cannot back to the original. Can you please check for me? I already PM the FTP details to you. Thanks.
Hi mate,
As mentioned before to change the image sizes at the product list you can open the file of app\design\frontend\default\jm_sceriftemplate\cat alog\product\list.phtml there you might find out those numbers of 135 and you can replace it by other value, for example change
HTML Code:
width="135" or height="135"
to others, you can do the same at the file of app\design\frontend\default\jm_sceriftemplate\cat alog\product\view.phtml
There is nothing happen after I following your guideline. I just want to modify (make the thumbnail size) to larger or smaller for every product list (example:
Can you please look check it carefully for me? Previously I already PM you the necessary details.
HI victorlai,
It’s weird as the changes do not take affect there, I have even tried to remove the file of app/design/frontend/default/jm_scerif/template/catalog/product/list.phtml but still do not see the changes take affect, do you have any kind of caching at your hosting level ?
I don’t have any caching at my hosting level. Please help me to find out the problem. Thanks.
I don’t have any caching at my hosting level. Please help me to find out the problem. Thanks.
That’s strange, I have no ideal why it’s happening that way,I even renamed the fine still do not see the change take affect, you can try it yourself !