Hi there,
Please visit the following link on a phone: https://www.lejolie.com/
If you go to the product’s grid, it could be Women’s Apparel, you’ll see that there is only 1 product in a row. We want to change this so that there are 2 products in a row for phones, both in portrait & landscape mode, however, when we go to the admin & change the number of products per row, the changes do not reflect on the mobile site.
Can you please help us fix this? We want 2 products to be shown per row on phones.
Thank you,
1 answer
Hi Adie,
Please go to the file: skin/frontend/default/jm_summer/css/layout-mobile-portrait.css at line 252 and change like below.
.products-grid li.item,
.products-grid.products-grid-special li.item {
width: 100% !important; --> width: 50% !important;
Best Regards,