How to import sample data to magento 2.0?

 I have tried both method(before install and after install).
But I couldn’t import sample data.
In “before install” method, I have faced with “duplicate entry” error and “$state->isError()”.
And In “after install” method, I couldn’t find any products. I can only see the categories.

  1. Could you help me?
  2. Hi Mall,Thanks for your reply.I have downloaded the sample database from this url. I don't need the sample database import to the db.Regards,Marc
  3. "1- Download the latest released at Verify the Magento 2 requirements from your web server.3- Follow how to enable the Data sample provided by Magento at"I have tried following this steps.I have changed the version to "0.74.0" and add the "minimum-stability": "beta" to composer.json.But there is also error. (in last step: magento sampledata:install admin)
  4. Profile photo of MallMall Staff 184060.00 $tone September 14, 2015
    Please send me any the screenshots in your work flow when you installing the Magento2.

1 answer

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone September 11, 2015

Hi Marc Kuecheler,
The Magento 2.0 does not provide method to import the data sample manual.
Be first to install Magento 2.0 with data sample provided by Magento you should follow bellow steps:
1- Download the latest released at
2- Verify the Magento 2 requirements from your web server.
3- Follow how to enable the Data sample provided by Magento at
(At thís time you should use the data sample version 0.74.0-beta16. The latest version (beta-1.0.0) was taking an errors)
Let do it and contact me if you need further assistance!


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