How to move Left block down in asenti

Hello Guys!

I need to use all posible wide area for the slideshow in JM-Asenti, can someone please let me know, how can I move the bllocks on left a little down, without affecting the template and other pages?

if not possible, plaase any idea on how to create a Homepage with a wider slideshow like in JM-Neros or JM-Haga

thanks to all!

best regards!

4 answers

Profile photo of Sherlock 0.00 $tone February 28, 2013

Hi rcerrato,

Go to edit your home cms page, at the Design tab you would see this tag

HTML Code:

 <reference name="mass-top">        	
	              <block type="joomlart_jmslideshow/list" name="jmslideshow" />
	              <block type="joomlart_jmproductsslider/list" name="jmproductsslider" />

you can change it to

HTML Code:

 <reference name="slideshow">        	
	<block type="joomlart_jmslideshow/list" name="jmslideshow" />
   <reference name="mass-top">        	
	<block type="joomlart_jmproductsslider/list" name="jmproductsslider" />

Then go to back-end of your Jm slideshow, you change the field of Main Item width to 950px
Hope that helps !

Profile photo of Rusell Cerrato 0.00 $tone February 28, 2013

Thanks Sherlock Holmes

It works for a momment, but then after a couple of miutes, I get this error, and Have no acces to the site, and either the backend admin site.

here has been an error processing your request
Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.

Error log record number: 1061051137602

What could get wrong?


Attachment 26188


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