How to use the video Widget on the right

The video button on the right of the slideshow in Tony is not working, even though I used the quickstart, then I noticed it’s not working even on your demo site.
How can I make it work?
Thank you.

4 answers

Profile photo of Lara 4810.00 $tone February 16, 2015

We are sorry that we need more time to check the root issue of this. Our support staff will contact you soon right after the issue solved!
Thank you for your understanding!

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone February 17, 2015

Hi Sir,
I need a closer look to detect the root of issue, please PM me url, admin and ftp credentials of your site.
Best Regards,

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone May 1, 2017

Hi Onelabel,
Please go to admin -> cms -> Statics block and see position-1 click to edit you will see this block right here.
Please let me know if you can’t see to change i will help you detect it more details.
Best Regards,


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