I really need some help with callouts PLZ

After one week of searching and reserching I really cannot find it how to remove callouts from left column. I did removed from original magento website all …….but from template I have no clue how things were changed I simply cannot find it. I look through file by file and cannot find it. I might be blind or stupid!!!!!! but would appreciate anyone to give me some hint.

From original magento it is easy as I found them in original catalog.xml. And was enough to remove lines and works fine. But with template installed…….that is different issue. I simply cannot display that : Our customer service is available 24/7. Call us at (800) DEMO-NUMBER.
and I cannot find where is it? Only one week after and I am still in the same spot. Good thing is at least I worked out most of the original magento…files. I don’t need it on main page. I must have missed something simple.. Please anyone who worked with this template can give me some hint.
how I can remove it if I cannot find it.? Where in layout it is that reference. ?

Any help would be appreciated.

1 answer

Profile photo of Urszula Dziki 0.00 $tone May 22, 2009

After one week of searching and reserching I really cannot find it how to remove callouts from left column. I did removed from original magento website all …….but from template I have no clue how things were changed I simply cannot find it. I look through file by file and cannot find it. I might be blind or stupid!!!!!! but would appreciate anyone to give me some hint.

From original magento it is easy as I found them in original catalog.xml. And was enough to remove lines and works fine. But with template installed…….that is different issue. I simply cannot display that : Our customer service is available 24/7. Call us at (800) DEMO-NUMBER.
and I cannot find where is it? Only one week after and I am still in the same spot. Good thing is at least I worked out most of the original magento…files. I don’t need it on main page. I must have missed something simple.. Please anyone who worked with this template can give me some hint.
how I can remove it if I cannot find it.? Where in layout it is that reference. ?

Any help would be appreciated.

Ok found it.. in this forum.. grrr never thought it would be in newsletter.xml


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