Iphone and Android

Iphone and Android continue placing orders don’t show up, I had several calls from buyers to tell me that they cannot complete the order.
After testing we noticed that after they enter the shipping address is enter the continue will not show-up unless the mobile is on landscape mode, even that they entered all the other information with the mobile on portrait (vertical) mode.
Can you correct that on mobile phones
Carlos Sagastume

3 answers

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone April 22, 2016

Hi Carlos,
Please PM me your site’s url, admin and ftp credentials, I’ll detect the root of issue for troubleshooting.
Best Regards,

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone May 20, 2016

Hi Carlos,
It’s fixed. I changed two files: /public_html/skin/frontend/default/jm_wall/css/layout-mobile-portrait.css and /public_html/skin/frontend/default/jm_wall/css/layout-mobile.css
Please let me know if you need help further.
Best Regards,


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