Hi Team,
I am getting the error in my jm painite template and I am not sure from where this error is coming from.
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method ‘equalHeight’
You can view this error, go to google chrome browser, go to any page of my website, right click "inspect element", see at the bottom right, just before setting, of chrome browser, you will see an error icon along with error numbers. click on this error icon/error numbers to get the list of errors as mentioned above. The count of errors keep on increasing to thousands.
I need your help to get rid of this error.
2 answers
could you point out the bug on your site?
I do not see any problems in the site.
I have sent you across an email with details. As you can see in the attached image, there is an error count of 853 at bottom right part of googel chrome browser. This error count keeps on increasing, unless you move out of that page by clicking any other link. With the new page opened, the error count again starts from zero and keeps on increasing and so on.
1. Open your chrome browser
2. Go to homepage by typing hifibrands.com,
3. right click and select "Inspect Element",
4. On the bottom right side of google chrome browser, you will see an error counter
could you point out the bug on your sit
I do not see any problems in the site.
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