How to add the language and the currency selector on the top right of template?
2 answers
Dear Xinxeta!
To Add language and the currency selector on the top right of the template please edit page.xml in "app\design\frontend\default\jm_adamite\layout ". Find this code:
<reference name="left"> <!--<block type="core/template" name="" as="topSearch" template="catalogsearch/" before="-" />--> <block type="catalog/navigation" name="catalog.leftcat" template="catalog/navigation/sidenav.phtml" /> </reference>
Then change to
<reference name="left"> <block type="page/switch" name="store_language" as="store_language" template="page/switch/languages.phtml" before="-"/> <block type="directory/currency" name="currency" as="currency" template="directory/currency.phtml" before="-"/> <!--<block type="core/template" name="" as="topSearch" template="catalogsearch/" before="-" />--> <block type="catalog/navigation" name="catalog.leftcat" template="catalog/navigation/sidenav.phtml" /> </reference>
You should custom some CSS code to suit your site.
Thanks you very much!
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