Magento Theme definition

Hello guys.

I am using JM-Asenti, and I need to know which /path/file has the configuration of which theme to use when visiting the site on a mobile device.. previusly was working just fine, now the mobile devices are calling the default theme as a normal pc..

I checked on the admin panel and on the configurations looks fine, mobile as blackberries and iphone, are suposed to call the mobile version, but its not happening..

any ideas where else to check on?

thanks to all! rgds!

3 answers

Profile photo of Sherlock 0.00 $tone December 27, 2012

Hi rcerrato,

Go to your back-end, navigate to system >> Configuration >> Design >> Themes there make sure that you have the same settings as shown on my attachment here.

Profile photo of Rusell Cerrato 0.00 $tone December 27, 2012

Thanks Sherlock Holmes.!

actually it looks fine and as descibed by you.. The team working on this site before, could not make this feature to work well, so they made some changes somewhere I cant find, so when the theme for mobile can not be reach for any reason, It will load the default one
My guess is that there is a change on some path/file that calls the theme, not just the definition on "Design" on configuration..

please have a look of what I have on Design..
where else can I check the theme to be used acording the ios/web browser?


Attachment 25075

Profile photo of Sherlock 0.00 $tone December 28, 2012

Hi rcerrato,

what I see from your screenshot is same as that from a JM-Asenti demo and it should works, if your team have made changes/modified something in the code I think you should contact the team to get a clue


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