Hello there,
Both m1 and m2 databases were on different server but now i am importing my m1 database to m2 server then i will again restart the migration process.
Please clear the following doubts.
-In the product attributes suffix migrated is added, I don’t want suffix to be there please let me know how to remove this. (https://nimb.ws/V7nzqP) (https://nimb.ws/nlNZIW).
-I can’t see the categories on the frontend, and categories are added in new root category root migrated but I want them in main root category so they can be visible in frontend, please let me know how to do this. (https://nimb.ws/4AFETS)
-If i am running the migration again so i have to reset all the steps or not.
-Resetting all the steps will reset the migrated data or not or I have to do delta migration.
1 answer
Hi there,
We’d like to clarify further below:
-In the product attributes suffix migrated is added, I don’t want suffix to be there please let me know how to remove this. (https://nimb.ws/V7nzqP) (https://nimb.ws/nlNZIW).
The suffix ‘migrated’ was aimed at distinguishing the migrated data vs. your existing data. You can remove that suffix after migration though.
-I can’t see the categories on the frontend, and categories are added in new
root category root migrated but I want them in main root category so they can be visible in frontend, please let me know how to do this. (https://nimb.ws/4AFETS)
You should not do that. The screenshot above indicates that you moved the migrated root category to become a child of the default root category (id =2).
Please make sure that you assign a root category to the default store of the default website in your M2 after migration. You can manage this in Stores management in your M2 backend. Then, reindex data and clean the Magento cache.
Besides, after you complete the migration in the UI Dashboard, there’re still a few extra steps before your migrated data ready for use. Please check these required steps in the Readme manual.
-Resetting all the steps will reset the migrated data or not or I have to do delta migration.
Yes, after you reset, all migrated categories will be deleted.
-If i am running the migration again so i have to reset all the steps or not.
If you running the migration after you do this -- “now i am importing my m1 database to m2 server then i will again restart the migration process” -- then, you do not need to reset. Just update the new M1 database credentials and continue the migration as normal.
Ubertheme team