Pagination for Product List and Product Grid Disappeared. Please Help

I recently noticed a problem with my products list and product grid layouts at . The pagination has disappeared. (The grid is set to 15, 30, 50 and the list is set to 20, 40, 60). I’ve looked inside app\design\frontend\default\jm_easyshoptemplate\c atalog\product\list.phtml, and everything looks fine. I’ve even copied this file over to an earlier backup, and in those earlier backups the pagination shows up fine. Something is broken somewhere, and I have no idea where it could be. I’m mostly a UI developer, so I am at a dead end with my knowledge on what could be the problem and how to solve it.

I changed the product list numbers in administration to see if the product list count would change, and it does. So the only problem is that the pagination is not showing.

If someone could help me, I’d greatly appreciate it. It’s very important I get this fixed, and I don’t know where to start nor what to do.

Below are two screenshots:
Attachment 15177Attachment 15178

Thank you very much.

7 answers

Profile photo of Daniel Pegues 0.00 $tone August 20, 2011

I restored a database from early July, and the pagination is still missing. So I assume at this point it is not a setting in administration, but instead something somewhere in the code.

Profile photo of Daniel Pegues 0.00 $tone August 22, 2011

Chavan, the only support ticket I see in my system is #XSA-211-33942. Can you please speak with Stephanie? She is the other person that has been helping me on this.

Thank you.

Profile photo of Daniel Pegues 0.00 $tone August 25, 2011

Hello. I’ve been investigating a little bit more. The problem may be a result of the upgrade I made, from to At the time I got your template was when just came out.

I’ve read a lot about the pagination disappearing when performing an upgrade.


One other thing I read is the pagination is not visible if the template is not a supported version. By any chance, are there some problems with your version template being upgraded to

Profile photo of Daniel Pegues 0.00 $tone December 4, 2011

I apologize for taking so long to post a response about this. The pagination problem was the result of a bug in a 3rd Party extension I had installed by After uninstalling their extension, everything worked fine again.

Thank you JoomlArt for your help.


This question is now closed

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