At the moment the default orientation for the tabs is down the left side of the product information window, but this restricts the width of the information window.
Have can i change this back to the magento default where the tabs are across the top?
17 answers
Hi There,
I have changed for you: it will show like this.
the file changed: /
Please let me know if you need help further.
Best Regards,
Thank you, this is exactly what i need.
Hi There,
Please let me if you need help further.
Best Regards,
Hi There,
I tried but could not access your site to debug further:
Please check and let me know once your site is back.
Hi There,
I’ve checked further and see that the issue comes from the Amasty extension in your instance. This is not the issue from the upgraded theme. You can have the extension disabled, you should see the issue to be resolved.
Best Regards,
Hi There,
I modified the file /app/design/frontend/Ubertheme/megamall/web/css/source/_sections.less to resolve the tab issue.
However, when re-compiling, I saw many JS error notices:
Please check further into such JS issues at your end.
Regarding the tab, it should work fine as per the screenshot above.
Best Regards,
Hi There,
After flushing my local cache and viewing the page and inspecting the page (Chrome, right click > inspect. ) I don’t see any errors?
After you help with re-compiling, I no longer see such issue. Those were captured at the time I checked yesterday though.
Please let me know if you need further help.
Best Regards,
Thanks, you have been a great help
Hi there,
Glad we can help. Please get back to us in case you have additional question.
Ubertheme team
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