But when I create under the ASSOCIATE PRODUCT with QUICK SIMPLE PRODUCT CREATION the associate products ( in my case different attribute ‘colors’ ) it don’t appear in the list below. The associate products are created in product list.
The Main product appear in the Fronted but Out of stock and without the option colors (dropdown menu) as usual.
I tried with a another DataBase and other Magento installation, to be sure I don’t do mistakes, and it work’s.
Does it is because the Sporty theme ?
What can be the solution ?
4 answers
I erase all associated product and will created again.
When i tried to created one again, I have this message :
Error save product. SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry ‘293-1’ for key ‘UNQ_CATALOGINVENTORY_STOCK_ITEM_PRODUCT_ID_STOCK_ ID’
What would this say ? I have to change SKU manually ?
Hi mohsenelgharbi,
That’s strange, you can try again with another SKU, if it does not help you can pm me your url, the admin account for taking a look
Hi, I changed SKU,
refresh index several time
and it doesn’t work’s
I juste remove it and create new one.
ok mate, I hope it works for you.