I love the quick view function of this theme but my particular site will not be using imagery. Is there a way to use this as the default functionality for add to cart instead?
3 answers
Could you please explain a little bit more? You mean to remove image at quickview form?
@ sylkx,
you can try the following:
Open the skin/frontend/default/jm_jasmine/css/theme.css file, find the CSS rule:
HTML Code:
.products-grid .actions button.button { margin-bottom: 10px; }
right below it you add:
HTML Code:
products-grid .actions .btn-cart { display: none; }
Then look for the CSS rule:
HTML Code:
.products-grid li.item .jmquickview { display: block; left: 50%; margin-left: -50px; position: absolute; top: 75px; }
and you change it to:
HTML Code:
.products-grid li.item .jmquickview { display: block; }
Let me know if this helps.
Thank you, I had to implement some more code to make it work exactly as I wanted and in all views (desktop,tablet,mobile).
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