search terms, popular search

Is it possible to place the results of the SEARCH TERMS into the bottom left POPULAR SEARCH in JM Lead template? If so, can you please provide help?

3 answers

Profile photo of PABLO MONSALVE 0.00 $tone January 31, 2010

Thank you, i understand this. My question is, is it possible to have the static block always show the ‘search terms’ instead of having a link in the footer to show ‘search terms? I hope this makes sense?

Profile photo of JA Developer 0.00 $tone February 4, 2010

Hi pmonsa09

For the case, i am afraid that you have to handle at the end of file. You should post this question to forum of magento, some body will help you to solve it.

I am sorry for not being of much help in the case


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