store front product list layout change


i would like to change the main first page of product list layout

i attached the image that i want to fix the layout.

can you tell me which file i need to work on?

thank you

3 answers

Profile photo of thangnn1510 0.00 $tone December 9, 2010

Hi John Park!

Welcome to joomlart. The file you need to edit the layout of product list page is placed in:


Magento has a feature that helps you to find path of file which render code for page. It is called development mode. To enable development mode, please go to admin->system->configuration, choose store you are working on "Current Configuration Scope", then click to developer. That will open some tabs on the right hand. Click to "debugs" tab, set "Template Path Hints" yes, then save config. After that, please go to frontend to see the results. To turn it off, please set "template path hints" no.

Hope this helps you.

johnpark 0.00 $tone December 17, 2010

thank you for your reply.

attached file explains what i want to do with list.phtml

can you kindly tell me how.

thank you for all the answer you did.

Profile photo of thangnn1510 0.00 $tone December 20, 2010

Dear Johnpark!

Please open: skin/frontend/default/jm_natris/css/theme.css

Find this code (about line 2904):

HTML Code:

.category-products h2.product-name, .catalog-listing h5.product-name {
    font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
    font-size: 100%;
    overflow: hidden;
    padding: 0;
    position: relative;

and change to:

HTML Code:

.category-products h2.product-name, .catalog-listing h5.product-name {
    font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
    font-size: 100%;
    min-height: 60px;
    overflow: hidden;
    padding: 0;
    position: relative;

Hope this helps you. .


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