wasn't there a discount for membership renewal?

at least I’m not willing to pay the complete 200 bucks again

5 answers

Profile photo of Arvind Chauhan Staff 30.00 $tone October 26, 2009

Dear zamb,

As per the standard practice at JA, annual renewal should have discounts attached to the renewals. I am not all that sure of Magento Club price list. Give me some time to confirm the same.

I know paying hurts . It hurts us all.


Profile photo of Arvind Chauhan Staff 30.00 $tone October 29, 2009

Dear zamb,

As per my quick lookout. I dont think there is any discount yet for renewal on Magento Club membership. I shall try to get this confirmed, but i am afraid it wont be before tomorrow.


Profile photo of Alexandre Pikelhaizen 0.00 $tone April 10, 2010

I just signed up for Magento Club 3 month developer membership yesterday ($350), and I am thrilled that I finally have access to the forums and the great Magento templates JA does. However, I downloaded everything yesterday, which was great, but in 3 months from now, when it’s time to renew, I would not be willing to spend another $350 for the forum and new templates only (it’s about 1 or 2 every 2 months if I am correct). There should be some type of discounted price so we could get this forum support for longer, be able to get the updates for our themes and get the new themes that come by, because after you’ve downloaded the first 14 themes for $350 another $350 for 2-3 themes gets expensive. Just a thought. Thank you for your great work. JA surely is the best template developer out there.

Profile photo of JA Developer 0.00 $tone April 14, 2010

Hi pikelhaizen,

There should be some type of discounted price so we could get this forum support for longer, be able to get the updates for our themes and get the new themes that come by, because after you’ve downloaded the first 14 themes for $350 another $350 for 2-3 themes gets expensive. Just a thought

Thank you for the kind suggestion. We shall take serious consideration into this for a renewal option applied for JM members soon. Meanwhile, please contact sales staff via ticket support http://help.joomlancers.com or Contact form


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