Upload image 404 error

When editing a custom block and i use wysiwyg editor, i press this button to add image -- http://prntscr.com/ep3g01

Then i press this one -- http://prntscr.com/ep3g7l

then i get a pop out with this error -- http://prntscr.com/ep3gdi

How do you fix it? more of your templates had this error.. this is a live site, i cna not provide FTP details, thank yoou

1 answer

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98150.00 $tone March 27, 2017

Hi Alexandru, 
It’s pity that the moderation efforts we initiated before did not come up to our expectation. You had chance to have a closer look into our products, please consider to renew your Developer subscription to access our latest products. This way we can provide you better help in case of technical question. 
We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
Ubertheme team


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