MegaMenu display only subcategories

Hiya. Currently looking at your megamenu extension.

Unfortunately any changes I make at the back-end of your demo are not visible in the front-end so I can’t figure out properly how it works.

Question is:
is it possible to create something like this (pardon my artistic skills)

i have a category hierarchy like this

Microphones -- Types          -- etc.
Application   -- etc.
Brands         -- etc.
Accessories   -- etc.

I don’t want the first subcategory to be a clickable links but just Plain labels with subsubcategories listed underneath.

Also is it possible with your plugin to display items from different parent categories under the same main navigation button.

Thank you.

5 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone July 17, 2018

Hi Roman,

Yes, our UB Mega Menu can help to setup such menu structure. Please note you will need to create menu group, menu items… with custom links type.
If you have any difficulty in setting up the menus, please get back to us here.

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98230.00 $tone July 18, 2018

Hi Roman, 
Please give it a try following our reply #1. If you have any additional question, please let us know. 
Ubertheme team

Profile photo of abassyaya 80.00 $tone February 11, 2019

You are responding to his question. You are pedaling on his question. To provide technical support just give a step by step process. Now if the software is not your developed software say the true. You are not helping this user. 


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