Can you migrate another website?

I have a Magento 2 install that has already been successfully used to migrate data from a Magento 1 website. We have a client that wants to migrate two separate Magento 1 websites into one Magento 2 website. Whenever I change the  Source Database the other settings are still at completed. 
Is there a way to reset the migration process or add another website to be imported?

2 answers

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98310.00 $tone November 12, 2019

Hi Bryant, 

We have a client that wants to migrate two separate Magento 1 websites into one Magento 2 website.

We wonder if you want to migrate the two additional Magento 1 websites to your current Magento 2 instance that you already run the first migration? If that’s the case, there’re a few notes below: 

  • You need to follow a separate migration workflow (we will instruct in details later on). 
  • You need to verify the migrated data in your current M2 instance first. Once you start with migrating the two new additional M1 websites, you can no longer run delta migration from the first M1 website that you did run the migration. 
  • And you should not reset the migration process, as this means you can no longer run delta migration from the first M1 website. 

In addition, your new M1 websites will need additional license. The current subscription grants you permission to migrate from one single Magento 1 database instance only. 
Ubertheme team


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